Logo CERAN Academy Intensive language school for kids


Magic Teachers are linguistic experts in their field. Trained in the CERAN method, they are chosen not only for their expertise, but also for their ability to motivate and inspire.

Ceranacademy - Helen Hoskins

Helen Roskins

English teacher

Communications specialist with comprehensive experience of multilingual B2B industrial marketing campaigns, corporate branding, quality assurance and operations.

Ceranacademy - Helen Hoskins

Helen Roskins

English teacher

Communications specialist with comprehensive experience of multilingual B2B industrial marketing campaigns, corporate branding, quality assurance and operations.

Ceranacademy - Helen Hoskins

Helen Roskins

English teacher

Communications specialist with comprehensive experience of multilingual B2B industrial marketing campaigns, corporate branding, quality assurance and operations.

Ceranacademy - Helen Hoskins

Helen Roskins

English teacher

Communications specialist with comprehensive experience of multilingual B2B industrial marketing campaigns, corporate branding, quality assurance and operations.

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