Financing your training

Financing your training

There are several ways to finance your language training or intercultural training. We are delighted to share them with you. As each country has its own specific setup, these different types of financial aid are presented by country and by region. It is up to you to contact the accredited agencies to obtain their consent to co-financing your training.

Financing your training

Possible financing by country

Belgium is a federal state composed of communities and regions, whose financial aid for language training is as varied as the entities.

Training vouchers

In Wallonia, training vouchers are available for learners. There are 2 types of vouchers: Training Vouchers and Language Training Vouchers. Each voucher is for 1 hour of training for 1 person. It can be purchased for €15 and is worth €30.

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In the Brussels-Capital region, there is an allowance instead of Training Vouchers. The amount of this allowance covers 40 to 70 % of the educational costs of a language training course.

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KMO-Portefeuille (SME e-wallet)

In the Flemish region, financial aid takes another form as it is the KMO-Portefeuille (SME e-wallet) subsidy which covers up to 30% of the cost of language training courses.

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As for the German-speaking community, the BRAWO (Berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung-Offensive) grants will support you. The amount of these grants can cover up to a third of the cost of the language training course to a maximum of €1,000 per year.

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Educational leave (Bildungsurlaub)

Educational leave is a right for employees to take time off work for further training programmes. Employees are entitled to 5 days per year for educational leave.

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Co-financing of the training

Another country, another case. In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 15% of the total annual amount invested in language training can be financed through the co-financing of the course.

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the Personal Training Account

In France, the CPF the Personal Training Account may contribute to the full or partial financing of your CERAN courses. The CPF offers the dual advantage of financing your language training and your intercultural training! The course applicant's situation will determine whether the course will be fully covered by the OPCO (government-accredited sectoral training organisation) or by the company.

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