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Financing your training in the Flemish region

In the Flemish region, the financial aid is very different. It consists of the KMO-Portefeuille (SME e-wallet) subsidy which, depending on the size of the company, can cover up to 30% of the cost of language training courses.

Who is this aid for?

SMEs and the self-employed established in the Flemish region can apply for this training subsidy.

What are the practical formalities for obtaining the KMO - portefeuille subsidy for a CERAN training course?

  • The applicant informs the service provider that they wish to use the KMO-Portefeuille subsidy to fund their project.
  • The service provider invoices the applicant for the training course and also provides an addendum specifying the amount covered by the subsidy. 
  • The applicant pays the full amount of the invoice for the training course to the service provider before classes start. 
  • The applicant registers online to create their KMO-Portefeuille account and submits their subsidy application online (maximum 14 days after the training course starts).
  • The applicant pays their share of the cost of the training course via the KMO-Portefeuille platform (maximum 30 days after their application). The Flemish government will top up the invoice amount.
  • When the application is complete, the amount paid on the KMO-Portefeuille platform is transferred to the service provider. The service provider will then reimburse you the amount for the educational services excluding VAT on your invoice.

General comment

The purpose of this information is to summarise the terms and conditions for granting aid and subsidies*. Only the information from the official websites of the various organisations applies.
CERAN’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale also apply. 
CERAN cannot be held liable for any refusal to grant a subsidy.
* Subject to acceptance of the applications by the agencies concerned or modification of the terms and conditions and the formalities by these same agencies.

For further information

Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen
KMO -portefeuille
Koning Albert II – laan 35 bus 12
1030 Brussel
+32 (0)2 553 37 88

Registration number KMO DV.0101450

Terms & Conditions and formalities:

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