Financing your language training with Brawo grants in Belgium

Financing your training for the German-speaking community

As far as the German-speaking Community is concerned, BRAWO (Berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung-Offensive) grants support companies and individuals with their language training. They simply have to be domiciled in the German-speaking Community. The amount of these grants can cover up to a third of the cost of the training course to a maximum of €1,000 per year.

Who is this aid for?

Any natural person or legal entity domiciled in the German-speaking Community in Belgium: private companies, employees, self-employed people and jobseekers. Public sector staff, school staff, people subject to compulsory education and students are not included.

What are the practical formalities for obtaining the Brawo grants for a CERAN training course?

  • The grant application must be submitted before the training course starts to the Ministry for the German-Speaking Community (“Weiterbildungsdienst der DG” department) using the appropriate form available on the “Weiterbildungsdienst der DG” department’s website: The service provider provides the applicant with a quote and a detailed programme of the training course to be attached to the grant application.
    Important: If the training course is attended by more than 5 people, the application must be submitted to the Arbeitsamt, not the German-speaking Community.
  • All supporting documents must be submitted within 2 months after the end of the training course.
  • The subsidy is paid to the applicant after the training course based on complete supporting documentation

General comment

The purpose of this information is to summarise the terms and conditions for granting aid and subsidies*. Only the information from the official websites of the various organisations applies.
CERAN’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale also apply. They are available on our website
CERAN cannot be held liable for any refusal to grant a subsidy.
* Subject to acceptance of the applications by the agencies concerned or modification of the terms and conditions and the formalities by these same agencies.

For further information

Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens
Ausbildung und Unterrichtsorganisation Contact: Doris Schoffers
Gospertstraße 1
4700 Eupen
+32 (0)87 59 63 86

Terms & Conditions and formalities:

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