Online French Courses

Online French Courses





There are so many reasons to start learning a new language. With the potential to travel more, be prepared and start learning a new language now. Do you want to improve your career prospects? Being bilingual is a great boost to any CV. There are lots of practical reasons to start taking an online French course, but if nothing else, learning a new language has been proven to improve your memory, ability to multitask and even help prevent dementia!

Benefits of an online French course

While there are advantages to both in-person language lessons and online lessons, the benefits of remote learning are hard to beat, especially nowadays.

Personalised Individual Lessons

One of the most significant benefits is the potential to have more personalised and individual lessons. The flexibility of online classes opens more opportunities for students and teachers to interact.

You can learn at a pace and with a method that is suited to your individual style of learning. You can fit your online French course around your lifestyle, family responsibilities and work schedule. You can also incorporate group lessons as and when you like.

During your online French course, you will get to know your tutor really well and soon establish a great relationship, which will have a massively positive impact on your lessons.

Online French Course
flexible and convenient online course

More Time to Speak

In traditional classroom language lessons, with a large group of students, the opportunities you have to actually speak might be minimal.

While learning grammar and taking notes has their merits, talking and practising what you have learned with other students and your native speaker teacher are vital to becoming fluent in French.

If you are a little more timid or shy in a real-life classroom environment, online lessons are also a great environment to speak more, as they can feel a little less daunting.

Would you like personal advice or a tailor-made offer?

Schedule that Works

In the past, the idea of learning French may have seemed out of reach as you did not have the time to fit a time-consuming course into your hectic schedule. Online French lessons have eliminated this obstacle.

You can fit lessons in whenever suits your lifestyle, whether early in the morning, late in the evening, or during your lunch breaks. If you are a parent looking for French lessons for your children but can’t seem to find the time, online lessons are great, and you can easily fit them into your day.

Your kids can sit and take classes within earshot while you carry on getting things done. Even though online lessons are more flexible and convenient, it is really important to keep a consistent and regular time slot for your French studies for your own benefit.

individual lessons
online course

Study Anywhere

Do you and your family live somewhere remote with limited access to public transportation or language schools? A great benefit of online French lessons is that your geographical location does not matter!

You can learn from anywhere in the world, even if you are in a different time zone. Once you have a good enough internet connection and a mobile device, you can immerse yourself in a French-speaking world a few hours a week, irrelevant of your location.

Connect with People

Online French lessons are a great way to connect and get to know new people from all over the world with options to take group lessons.

It will open up a whole new world, not just to practise your language skills but also to understand new cultures.

online french lesson

Who can take an online French course?

Online French courses are suitable for everyone, whether you want to learn French for school, university, work, or simply for fun.

Online French course - Adults

Adults and Professionals

Do you need to speak French during online meetings or presentations? Would you like to apply for a job in a French-speaking company or country?

Take advantage of the current situation and our increasingly remote lifestyle to start an online French course. The beauty of an online course is that it can fit around your hectic schedule and can be tailored to your specific professional needs.

CERAN offers 10, 15, 20, or 40 hours of personalised online French lessons.

Young Adults

Have you finished school or are you attending university and want to improve your French-speaking skills? Learning a new language will open not just your mind but the world.

Imagine the freedom of studying and living in another country! If you need to pass a language exam like TOEFL or IELTS, taking an online French course is the best way to prepare.

An online French course is engaging and fun with roleplays and interactive conversation. You will gain knowledge and prepare for exams and build your confidence while getting to know new people in the process.

Online French course - Young Adults
online course for children


Does your child love learning languages? Do they need a little extra help with homework assignments? Have your children fallen behind on their French lessons due to the current situation?

Whatever the reason you would like your child to take a French course, online programmes are a great way to get your kids speaking French. Here are just some benefits of an online French course for kids:

  • Interacting with motivating native speaking tutors;
  • Helping with schoolwork and exam preparation;
  • Learning in a playful and immersive environment;
  • Increasing fluency as well as comprehension, pronunciation and grammar skills;
  • Preparing for a move abroad or to a new school;
  • Making new friends and having fun!

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Avenue des Petits Sapins 27
4900 Spa (Belgique)

+32 (0)87 79 11 22


Training Centre
Châteauform' Learning Lab
40, Passage de l'Arche
92800 Puteaux (France)

1, Rue Etienne Dolet
93400 Saint-Ouen (France)

+33(0)1 46 67 33 22

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